English philosopher (1561-1626)
Time ... is the author of authors.
The Advancement of Learning
This variable composition of man’s body hath made it as an instrument easy to distemper; and, therefore, the poets did well to conjoin music and medicine in Apollo, because the office of medicine is but to tune this curious harp of man’s body and to reduce it to harmony.
The Advancement of Learning
This public envy, seemeth to beat chiefly upon principal officers or ministers, rather than upon kings, and estates themselves. But this is a sure rule, that if the envy upon the minister be great, when the cause of it in him is small; or if the envy be general, in a manner upon all the ministers of an estate; then the envy (though hidden) is truly upon the state itself. And so much of public envy or discontentment, and the difference thereof from private envy, which was handled in the first place.
"Of Envy", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
There is yet another fault (with which I will conclude this part) which is often noted in learned men, that they do many times fail to observe decency and discretion in their behaviour and carriage, and commit errors in small and ordinary points of action, so as the vulgar sort of capacities do make a judgment of them in greater matters by that which they find wanting in them in smaller. But this consequence doth oft deceive men, for which I do refer them over to that which was said by Themistocles, arrogantly and uncivilly being applied to himself out of his own mouth, but, being applied to the general state of this question, pertinently and justly, when, being invited to touch a lute, he said, "He could not fiddle, but he could make a small town a great state." So no doubt many may be well seen in the passages of government and policy which are to seek in little and punctual occasions. I refer them also to that which Plato said of his master Socrates, whom he compared to the gallipots of apothecaries, which on the outside had apes and owls and antiques, but contained within sovereign and precious liquors and confections; acknowledging that, to an external report, he was not without superficial levities and deformities, but was inwardly replenished with excellent virtues and powers. And so much touching the point of manners of learned men.
The Advancement of Learning
There be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy. They both have vehement wishes; they frame themselves readily into imaginations and suggestions; and they come easily into the eye, especially upon the present of the objects; which are the points that conduce to fascination, if any such thing there be. We see likewise, the Scripture calleth envy an evil eye; and the astrologers, call the evil influences of the stars, evil aspects; so that still there seemeth to be acknowledged, in the act of envy, an ejaculation or irradiation of the eye. Nay, some have been so curious, as to note, that the times when the stroke or percussion of an envious eye doth most hurt, are when the party envied is beheld in glory or triumph; for that sets an edge upon envy: and besides, at such times the spirits of the person envied, do come forth most into the outward parts, and so meet the blow.
"Of Envy", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
The stage is more beholding to love than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief, sometimes like a Siren, sometimes like a Fury.
The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.
Essex's Device
The human understanding is moved by those things most which strike and enter the mind simultaneously and suddenly, and so fill the imagination; and then it feigns and supposes all other things to be somehow, though it cannot see how, similar to those few things by which it is surrounded.
Novum Organum
The folly of one man, is the fortune of another. For no man prospers so suddenly, as by others' errors.
"Of Fortune", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
The errors of young men, are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men, amount but to this, that more might have been done, or sooner.
"Of Youth And Age", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
The cord breaketh at last by the weakest pull.
On Seditions
The consciousness of good intentions, however unsuccessful, affords a joy more real, pure, and agreeable to nature than all the other means that can be furnished, either for obtaining one's desire or quieting the mind.
"Man's Duty to Society", Physical and Metaphysical Works
So in most things men are ready to abuse themselves in thinking the greatest means to be best, when it should be the fittest.
The Advancement of Learning
Silence is the virtue of fools.
De Augmentis Scientiarum
Seek the good of other men, but be not in bondage to their faces or fancies; for that is but facility, or softness; which taketh an honest mind prisoner.
"Of Goodness and Goodness Of Nature", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
Seek first the virtues of the mind; and other things either will come, or will not be wanted.
The Advancement of Learning
Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out.
Reduce things to the first institution, and observe wherein, and how, they have degenerate; but yet ask counsel of both times; of the ancient time, what is best; and of the latter time, what is fittest.
"Of Great Place", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.
"Of Studies," Essays
Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament, adversity is the blessing of the New.