American novelist & poet (1869-1954)

If we could only remember in life that the form which we call ourselves is not our real immortal self at all, we would not give it such an exaggerated importance, though we would nevertheless take needful care of it.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: life

Indomitable must be God's desire
To realize Life's secret and acquire
Mastery, when he sends you, one by one,
Eternally, to question the bright sun
And the dark earth and the indifferent stars!


The Frozen Grail and Other Poems

Tags: question

Philosophy will go on being taught in the world and all over the world. Only a few, perhaps, will reach the deeps of it in this life; but a seed sown to-day may bear fruit long hence.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Those people who think of their departed friends as being all-wise, how disappointed they would be if they could know that the life on this side is only an extension of the life on earth! If the thoughts and desires there have been only for material pleasures, the thoughts and desires here are likely to be the same.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: life

We have a bitter power who laugh at pain,
Who laugh and laugh -- for tears are shed in vain.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: pain

Wisdom is a tree of slow growth; the rings around its trunk are earthly lives, and the grooves between are the periods between lives. Who grieves that an acorn is slow in becoming an oak?


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: tree

Even a cricket knows the difference between a man and an angel; For a man looks not at the ground whereon he walks, he crushes many a life; While the passing of an angel leaves all the world a-thrill.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: leaves

I am often merry at the jests of the constellations.
Did you fancy that the stars were always serious?
Only the dull never laugh, and the stars are very bright.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: stars

If you knew the meaning of light you would yourself be a light in a dark place.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: light

So still is Love he hears the farthest sound:
The footfall of the seasons in their round,
The soft etheric swish of the rushing spheres,
The murmur of the mute things underground.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: love

Ah, the joy of loving a sleeping thing! All true lovers know that wonder. Sleep is a great magician. His spells are woven in the darkness between the worlds; His philtres are made of herbs that grow by the great river of forgetfulness which flows by the throne of the All-knowing.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: joy

Bear this in mind: I merely tell you stories, as an earthly traveler would tell, of the things I see. Sometimes my interpretation of them may be wrong.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

But they who drink the Muse's breath
Pay for the draught with many tears--
Their destiny until their death
To seek her shadow down the years.


The Frozen Grail and Other Poems

Tags: destiny

I am strong to-day, because I have been long with one who is stronger.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Thy love is like deep waters all around--
Warm pulsing waters, in whose brooding sound
The lone wail of my heart is lulled with dreams,
And the far clamour of the world is drowned.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: dreams

Time's hidden ways thine eyes reveal to me:
Deep in their vision broods the memory
Of all the myriad lives thy soul has known,
Thou passionate pilgrim of eternity!


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: eternity

I lie alone under the mocking sky.
The midnight hours indifferently walk by.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

I love to love, but I know not jealousy. If you find another fairer than I, I shall weary of you and go love him -- So beware, if you would hold me!


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: love

I saw a bird on a bough and wondered if he were dreaming. And then another came; the two sat long together and not a note they sang. The sun went down in the west, and the shadows wrapt their veils around the shivering earth; the moon arose behind the mountains, the full-faced harvest moon that turns all things to magic. The two birds on the bough were dark against the moon's gold face. And still no note they sang—their silence thrilled the world. And I forgot the meadows and the hills, the trees and the golden harvest; for I knew that those two dreaming birds were the heart of a miracle.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: birds

My friend, there is nothing to fear in death. It is no harder than a trip to a foreign country—the first trip—to one who has grown oldish and settled in the habits of his own more or less narrow corner of the world.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: death