quotations about dating

The thing about dating is that it's hardly ever called a date. It's "let's hang out," "let's get together," "let's get some food," or "let's go get some beers." Those are all ways of asking someone out for a date.


How to Survive Dating

Dating is a numbers game, and online dating has the best odds.


The Boomer's Guide to Online Dating

Love, love, love -- all the wretched cant of it, masking egotism, lust, masochism, fantasy under a mythology of sentimental postures, a welter of self-induced miseries and joys, blinding and masking the essential personalities in the frozen gestures of courtship, in the kissing and the dating and the desire, the compliments and the quarrels which vivify its barrenness.


The Female Eunuch

In its purest form, dating is auditioning for mating (and auditioning means we may or may not get the part).


Dating for Dummies

Dating is not supposed to be torture. It's not supposed to be a series of hoops, each one higher and smaller than the last, some of them ringed in fire, that we jump through to reach the nirvana of marriage.


Mr. Right Now

Some women are to be captured by storm and some taken by siege; yet if there be not a traitor in her heart that shall deliver up the garrison, thou shalt not prevail over her.


The Maxims of Methuselah

Since you are "in the market," you need to set standards of what you are seeking in a partner and in a relationship. Dating is not simply a prelude to a committed relationship or marriage. Dating is an opportunity to evaluate whether the person you are dating is a good candidate for you. You need to pay attention to your partner's positive and negative characteristics. Ask yourself whether you could live with this person for the rest of your life.


Finding a Lover for Life

Dating is big business. Singles provide a significant economic market for products and services--e.g., clothing, grooming, food and entertainment--that support dating activities. While this does not exhaust the possible societal-level functions of dating, it does convey some idea of what dating contributes to the needs of the larger society.


Marital and Sexual Lifestyles in the United States

Internet dating is the fastest, most efficient way to gather a pool of qualified candidates. It could take you a lifetime to do the investigation that the computer comes up with in seconds.


The Boomer's Guide to Online Dating

The most difficult part of dating is the initial invitation.


Sexuality Now

Online dating is just as murky and full of lemons as finding a used car in the classifieds. Once you learn the lingo, it's easier to spot the models with high mileage and no warranty.


Crazy Aunt Purl's Home Is Where the Wine Is

One of the strengths of Internet dating is that it's anonymously impersonal, which helps take the sting out of rejection. If you're interested in someone who notices your profile or you're intrigued by a computer-generated match, let the e-mail begin. If you're not interested, delete the e-mail with about the same level of remorse you'd feel from dumping jellyfish overboard.


The Boomer's Guide to Online Dating

The key to successful dating is ... rather than focusing solely on finding and winning over that one and only right person, use this time in your life to learn about yourself and about relationships and to become a better partner. Being single can offer a unique advantage in the pursuit of good relationships. You have the opportunity to step back, take an inventory, learn and grow, and be far more ready for a healthy relationship. Instead of leaping headlong into the next romance, slow down and make some personal discoveries that will increase your chances of having your future relationships be more successful.


Be Your Own Dating Service

Even brief dating encounters can be pleasant and rewarding. They provide an opportunity to exercise one's social skills and validate one's style of relating to the opposite sex. As discussed earlier, dating experience can expand knowledge, add insight, and maintain self-confidence in coping with sexual and love relationships. Being liked, appreciated, and admired is flattering and a boost to one's morale even when the encounter has no continuity. Dating is a distinctive social context within which to express one's personality and outlook on life outside of work or family relations.


Marital and Sexual Lifestyles in the United States