quotations about destiny
Motive is a thread, work is a skein, destiny is a maze.
Destiny is in reality a pompous word that means very little. If we have great talents, it will probably be our destiny to show them. If we have no talents, it will certainly be our destiny to show none.
The Spectator, Aug. 2, 1884
From someone who doesn't want to share your destiny, you should neither accept a cigarette.
The Burning Brand
There's a destiny that shapes our ends, but most women put more faith in a girdle.
20,000 Quips & Quotes
Come to me
This is Destiny
Right now
Sing my song
Come along
Right now
"Destiny", Voyage
Realizing a destiny is not a matter of acquiescing in some form of relentless causality. If it were, there would be no sin. A destiny can be failed or refused. That is why it is not a fate. True, the very word "destiny" is indicative of necessity, but the necessity of a destiny is not like the necessity that makes an object fall when it is dropped. Rather, it is the kind I recognize when I face a duty I am tempted to evade and say to myself, "This I must do."
The New Religious Humanists
Destiny is what you are supposed to do in life. Fate is what kicks you in the ass to make you do it.
attributed, The Harper Book of Quotations
Destiny, the complicity of mankind in the self-disclosure of Being, must be freely chosen.
The Gods and Technology
Destiny is selfhood. To live your destiny is to be raised above accidental circumstances to the level of your essential being. This is not merely because destiny precludes accidents and thus provides a propitious life-environment. The relationship between destiny and self is more intimate than that. Destiny defines the self: you ARE your destiny. To speak of destiny as though it is merely something that happens to you is to assume that a person is in essence always the same, changeless at the core amid the ceaseless changes of life and history. But the truth is that what happens to you--including in this category the ideas and impulses that arise within you in response to outward events--defines your identity. The only way you could be fully identified would be by a story--of the kind God alone could tell--of the unfolding of your life in all its depths and complexities. Thus living your destiny is carrying on your life as the one you really are.
The Fabric of Hope
Destiny is the final end God has prepared for my journey. The vehicle that God has prepared to bring me to my destiny is my purpose on earth. God has wrapped up my destiny inside my purpose. No one can ever attain their God given destiny without first discovering his or her purpose. The reason God has made us here on earth.
15 Secrets You Crave to Know
Both body and life are predetermined, and the man has nothing to say in the matter: the individual is predetermined by the Great Will. The man is thus predestined, through the fact of his individuality, to a possible specific destiny; but, after the individuality is determined, he is given over to his own will, and his destiny is put into his own hands.
"The Destiny of Marriage: Portia and the Caskets"
God is the author and finisher of your destiny. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of your destiny. He is the only one that can show you your destiny. As far as He is your manufacturer, He is the only one that can show you what you are fashioned to do.
Fulfilling Your Destiny with Ease
Destiny does not send us heralds. She is too wise or too cruel for that.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Motive is internal, work is external, destiny is eternal.
Every destiny is honourable. But it is a pity if you don't know your placement in life. The hardest work so far in life is to be able to locate your place where you belong here on earth. The fingers are placed in the hands; the toes are placed on the legs; the nose is placed in the head. Locate your placement in life.
Fulfilling Your Destiny with Ease
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.
Dance to the Piper
The world's definition of the word "destiny" is a person's lot or fate in life. In the world's eyes, God has nothing to do with it; it's pure luck. But God's definition is totally different because it is based in Him, not luck, lot or fortune. In my words, God's definition of the word "destiny" is "the fulfillment of the calling God has placed upon your life."
Standing in These Last Days
A consistent soul believes in destiny, a capricious one in chance.
attributed, In Pursuit of Destiny
Has once again surprised me
Oh destiny
Must want you here beside me
God will not bless the self-absorbed with positions of influence if their concept of destiny is about what they bring to the table instead of why He brought them to the table. The harvest is too ripe, too ready to be reaped. The hour is too late and the issue too critical for the Lord to allow His harvest to rot in the fields while His sons and daughters wrestle with one another over whose destiny is the greatest. It is not about us, it is all about Him!
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