quotations about the Internet

Well, the Internet is this miracle. It is an absolutely extraordinary idea that you can press a send button, and you are publishing to the world.


USA Today, Apr. 30, 2009

Tags: Barry Diller

The Internet is like a vault with a screen door on the back. I don't need hammers and bombs to get in when I can walk in through the door.


"Cracks in the Net", Time, February 27, 1995

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.


often misquoted as "I invented the Internet", CNN Late Edition, March 9, 1999

Tags: Al Gore

Managing your own impression on the Internet is like navigating white water with two-by-fours for oars.


The Psychology of the Internet

I absolutely believe the Internet is passing from its free days into a paid system. Inevitably, I promise you, it will be paid. Not every single thing, but anything of value.


interview, ZDNEt, Jun. 10, 2009

Tags: Barry Diller

Only on the Internet can a person be lonely and popular at the same time.


Undiscovered Gyrl

The number of websites increases in geometric proportions every year, every month. It is said that one month in Internet is like one year outside the net. In fact, net professionals are known for their reluctance to take more than a seven or ten days vacation. They are concerned that the competition may outrun them.



Stupid Internet. I don't know why everyone is so impressed with it.


Elle Magazine, March 19, 2014

Tags: Pamela Anderson

Sometimes we do get taken by surprise. For example, when the Internet came along, we had it as a fifth or sixth priority. It wasn't like somebody told me about it and I said, "I don't know how to spell that." I said, "Yeah, I've got that on my list, so I'm okay." But there came a point when we realized it was happening faster and was a much deeper phenomenon than had been recognized in our strategy.


speech at Washington University, Jul. 2, 1998

Tags: Bill Gates

Censorship is saying: "I'm the one who says the last sentence. Whatever you say, the conclusion is mine." But the internet is like a tree that is growing. The people will always have the last word -- even if someone has a very weak, quiet voice. Such power will collapse because of a whisper.


"China's censorship can never defeat the internet", The Guardian, April 15, 2012

The internet is like the central nervous system of modern society.


"A Discussion About the Impact of Electronic Commerce on Accounting", 2013 International Conference on Complex Science Management and Education

When we sent that first message, there weren't any reporters, cameras, tape recorders or scribes to document that major event.... We knew we were creating an important new technology that we expected would be of use to a segment of the population, but we had no idea how truly momentous an event it was.


"Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever Sent Between Two Computers", September 2, 2004

Somewhere between the gold rush of easy internet profits and an arrogant sense of endless empire, we heard kind of a pinging noise, and uh, then the damn thing just died on us.


College of William & Mary Commencement Address, May 20, 2004

Tags: Jon Stewart

Writing in a book about the Internet is like . . . uh, well, it's weird. And it's really hard. Is there anything the Internet is not about? Is there anything that's not on the Internet? I live in a world in which things somehow gain legitimacy by being represented via a vast computer network, a network that transforms things that were perfectly fine for a million jillion years into fodder for online message boards.


Sects, Love, and Rock & Roll: My Life on Record

The Internet is like a huge library with vast resources of information available. It is impossible to keep track of all the numerous services it provides as well as account for frequent changes. Without a feasible means of searching, and, better still, of cataloguing and indexing, finding information on the Internet is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Internet Resources for Engineers

When the internet publicity began, I remember being struck by how much the world was not the way we thought it was, that there was infinite variation in how people viewed the world.


"Google Chief: My Fears for Generation Facebook", The Independent, August 17, 2010

The Internet has made me very casual with a level of omniscience that was unthinkable a decade ago. I now wonder if God gets bored knowing the answer to everything.


"Transience Is Now Permanence & the Fate of the Middle Classes", January 2010

There are some people who imagine that older adults don't know how to use the internet. My immediate reaction is, "I've got news for you, we invented it."


attributed, "Your Life: Vinton Cerf", AARP Bulletin, December 2016

The Net's interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment.


The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

There's going to be an i-9/11 event. Which doesn't necessarily mean an Al Qaeda attack, it means an event where the instability or the insecurity of the internet becomes manifest during a malicious event which then inspires the government into a response. You've got to remember that after 9/11 the government drew up the Patriot Act within 20 days and it was passed.... So I was having dinner with Richard Clarke and I asked him if there is an equivalent, is there an i-Patriot Act just sitting waiting for some substantial event as an excuse to radically change the way the internet works. He said "of course there is".


Fortune Brainstorm panel, 2008

Tags: Lawrence Lessig