quotations about laughter

laughter quote

In regard to health care, we've all heard that laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is also our least costly healthcare option.


"If elected president, I promise a laugh in every belly!", The Florida Times-Union, April 1, 2016

If ever the day should come when men and women shall be content to signal their perception of humour by the natural smile, and shall keep the laugh for its own unpremeditated act, shall laugh seldom, and simply, and not thrice at the same thing--once for foolish surprise, and twice for tardy intelligence, and thrice to let it be known that they are amused--then it may be time to persuade this laughing nation not to laugh so loud as it is wont in public. The theatre audiences of louder-speaking nations laugh lower than ours. The laugh that is chiefly a signal of the laugher's sense of the ridiculous is necessarily loud; and it has the disadvantage of covering what we may perhaps wish to hear from the actors. It is a public laugh, and no ordinary citizen is called upon for a public laugh. He may laugh in public, but let it be with private laughter there.


"Laughter", Ceres' Runaway & Other Essays

O, you shall see him laugh till his face be like a wet cloak ill laid up.


Henry IV, Part II

Laughter isn't only about expressing joy. Sometimes we laugh out of embarrassment, sometimes from confusion, sometimes out of courtesy, and sometimes from nervousness. In the evil laugh, we celebrate the misfortune of others. Laughter can also express our personality -- the frivolous laugh, or the laugh of the loud and in-your-face extrovert versus the shy, withdrawn laugh of the introvert. Some people have a particular skill for the superior laugh. Does he who laughs last, laugh loudest?


"The lowdown on laughter: from boosting immunity to releasing tension", The Conversation, March 22, 2016

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.


The Mysterious Stranger

Tags: Mark Twain

A laugh's the wisest, easiest answer to all that's queer.


Moby Dick

Tags: Herman Melville

Laugh now, cry later.


The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank

Tags: Erma Bombeck

It is a good thing to laugh, at any rate; and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of happiness.


"A Parallel of Poetry and Painting", Select Essays on the Belles Lettres

Tags: John Dryden

A laugh a day keeps the psychiatrist away.


20,000 Quips & Quotes

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh -- at yourself.


The Tell Tale, 1940

He is a wise man who always knows what to laugh at, and a bold man that always dare laugh at what is laughable.


Day's Collacon

Laughter is free, free your laughter.


Comedy naturally wears itself out--destroys the very food on which it lives; and by constantly and successfully exposing the follies and weaknesses of mankind to ridicule, in the end leaves itself nothing worth laughing at.


"On Modern Comedy", The Round Table

Tags: William Hazlitt

Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be.


Lectures on the English Comic Writers

A hearty laugh lengthens your life.


Laughter has been claimed to do pretty much everything, from reducing stress to helping cure cancer. Most major children's hospitals have clown doctors cheering up kids. There is a special brand of yoga -- Hasyayoga -- that incorporates laughter. We have laughter clubs that espouse the health benefits of laughing as an exercise -- no jokes, just spontaneous mirth.


"The lowdown on laughter: from boosting immunity to releasing tension", The Conversation, March 22, 2016

You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.


Hearts in Atlantis

Tags: Stephen King

Strange, when you come to think of it, that of all the countless folk who have lived before our time on this planet not one is known in history or in legend as having died of laughter. Strange, too, that not to one of all the characters in romance has such an end been allotted. Has it ever struck you what a chance Shakespeare missed when he was finishing the Second Part of King Henry the Fourth? Falstaff was not the man to stand cowed and bowed while the new young king lectured him and cast him off. Little by little, as Hal proceeded in that portentous allocution, the humour of the situation would have mastered old Sir John. His face, blank with surprise at first, would presently have glowed and widened, and his whole bulk have begun to quiver. Lest he should miss one word, he would have mastered himself. But the final words would have been the signal for release of all the roars pent up in him; the welkin would have rung; the roars, belike, would have gradually subsided in dreadful rumblings of more than utterable or conquerable mirth. Thus and thus only might his life have been rounded off with dramatic fitness, secundum ipsius naturam. He never should have been left to babble of green fields and die 'an it had been any christom child.'


"Laughter", And Even Now

The immoderate cannot laugh moderately.


Aphorisms on Man

Tags: Johann Kaspar Lavater

The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.


Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science

Tags: Carl Sagan