quotations about love

love quote

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.


attributed, Zen Soup: Tasty Morsels of Wisdom from Great Minds

Tags: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

My God, these folks don't know how to love -- that's why they love so easily.


letter to Blanche Jennings, May 8, 1909

David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 - 2 March 1930) was an English writer and poet. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection on the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. His opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage".

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

Love's wing moults when caged and captured,
Only free, he soars enraptured.


Freedom and Love

Tags: Thomas Campbell

Love sometimes elevates, creates new qualities, suspends the working of evil inclinations; but only for a day. Love, then, is an Oriental despot, whose glance lifts a slave from the dust, and then consigns him to it again.


"Airelles", The Writings of Madame Swetchine

Tags: Madame Swetchine

Let me begin by telling you that I was in love. An ordinary statement, to be sure, but not an ordinary fact, for so few of us learn that love is tenderness, and tenderness is not, as a fair proportion suspect, pity; and still fewer know that hapiness in love is not the absolute focusing of all emotion in another: one has always to love a good many things which the beloved must come only to symbolize; the true beloveds of this world are in their lovers's eyes lilac opening, ship lights, school bells, a landscape, remembered conversations, friends, a child's Sunday, lost voices, one's favourite suit, autumn and all seasons, memory, yes, it being the earth and water of existence, memory.


Other Voices, Other Rooms

If you think love makes you happy, you've either never been in love, or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.


Obsidian Butterfly

If somebody says "I love you" to me, I feel as though I had a pistol pointed at my head. What can anybody reply under such conditions but that which the pistol holder requires? "I love you, too."


Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons

But the most common species of love is that which first arises from beauty, and afterwards diffuses itself into kindness and into the bodily appetite. Kindness or esteem, and the appetite to generation, are too remote to unite easily together. The one is, perhaps, the most refined passion of the soul; the other the most gross and vulgar. The love of beauty is placed in a just medium betwixt them, and partakes of both their natures: From whence it proceeds, that it is so singularly fitted to produce both.


"Of the Amorous Passion, or Love Betwixt the Sexes", A Treatise of Human Nature

Before I met my husband, I'd never fallen in love. I'd stepped in it a few times.


stand-up routine

Tags: Rita Rudner

Ah, love, 'tis a sorrowful land!


"The Old Lovers"

Tags: Kenneth Rand

When a plain-looking woman is loved, it is certain to be very passionately; for either her influence on her lover is irresistible, or she has some secret and more irresistible charms than those of beauty.


"Of the Affections", Les Caractères

Jean de La Bruyère (16 August 1645 - 11 May 1696) was a French philosopher and moralist noted for his satire. His Caractères, which appeared in 1688, captures the psychological, social, and moral profile of French society of his time.

What amazes me as I hit the motorway is not the fact that everyone loses someone, but that everyone loves someone. It seems like such a massive waste of energy--and we all do it, all the people beetling along between the white lines, merging, converging, overtaking. We each love someone, even though they will die. And we keep loving them, even when they are not there to love any more. And there is no logic or use to any of this, that I can see.


The Gathering

Tags: Anne Enright

Well they say that love is in the air, but never is it clear,
How to pull it close and make it stay
Butterflies are free to fly, and so they fly away
And I'm left to carry on and wonder why


"Always on Your Side"

The music that inspires the souls of lovers exists within themselves and the private universe they occupy. They share it with each other; they do not share it with the tribe or with society. The courage to hear that music and to honor it is one of the prerequisites of romantic love.


The Psychology of Romantic Love

Tags: Nathaniel Branden

The most wonderful thing in life is to be delirious and the most wonderful kind of delirium is being in love.


Islanders and the Fisher of Men

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

Man loves most that which is his own.


Historical Essays

Tags: Henry Adams

Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, of ecstasy; love, the defier of all laws, of all conventions; love, the freest, the most powerful molder of human destiny; how can such an all-compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State- and Church-begotten weed, marriage?


Anarchism and Other Essays

Tags: Emma Goldman

Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but antipolitical, perhaps the most powerful of all antipolitical forces.


The Human Condition

Tags: Hannah Arendt

Love's tongue is in the eyes.


Piscatory Eclogues

Tags: Phineas Fletcher

Love was as hardwired into the structure of the universe as gravity and matter.


The Fall of Hyperion

Tags: Dan Simmons