quotations about love

Love always has its price, come whence it may.


"Miss Harriet"

Tags: Guy de Maupassant

O love is the crooked thing,
There is nobody wise enough
To find out all that is in it,
For he would be thinking of love
Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon.


"Brown Penny"

Tags: William Butler Yeats

God has set his intentions in the flowers, in the dawn, in the spring--it is his will that we should love.


Toilers of the Sea

Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885) is considered the most important of the French Romantic writers. Though regarded in France as one of that country's greatest poets, he is better known abroad for such novels as Les Misérables (1862) and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831).

Tags: Victor Hugo

I love you pretty baby
You're the only love I've ever known
Just as long as you stay with me
The whole world is my throne
Beyond here lies nothin'
Nothin' we can call our own


"Beyond Here Lies Nothin'", Together Through Life

Tags: Bob Dylan

Love must be learned, and learned again and again; there is no end to it. Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to be provoked.


The Days Before

Tags: Katherine Anne Porter

When [men] see a pretty woman, and feel the delicious madness of love coming over them, they always stop to calculate her temper, her money, their own money, or suitableness for the married life.... Ha, ha, ha! Let us fool in this way no more. I have been in love forty-three times with all ranks and conditions of women, and would have married every time if they would have let me. How many wives had King Solomon, the wisest of men? And is not that story a warning to us that Love is master of the wisest? It is only fools who defy him.


Men's Wives

There is little that comes so close to death as fulfilled love.


Love and Garbage

Tags: Ivan Klima

Despite the advancements in understanding our bodies and minds over the past couple millennia, we are still disentangling the intricacies of emotions as they are represented in the brain. Perhaps the most interesting emotional state is that which has spurred humans throughout history to sing for it, dance for it, kill for it, live for it, even die for it. Yes, that emotional state found in 170 different societies worldwide that has captivated artists, poets, writers and everyone in between: love.


"Your Brain on Love", Huffington Post, February 15, 2016

Though she had been besieged, courted, and pursued by men who had fallen in love with her, she did not in her heart believe in the existence of love. It seemed to her as unreal as the painted drop scenes, the temples of love, and the banks of roses that formed the settings for her dances. But though she was cold and insensitive to love, she was esteemed a wonderful mistress. She herself practiced love as a duty imposed by her profession, a part to be played that might sometimes please but always fatigued her and called for a high degree of art.


Grand Hotel

Tags: Vicki Baum

A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman's life, and exalts habit into partnership with the soul's highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills: to know that high initiation, she must often tread where it is hard to tread, and feel the chill air, and watch through darkness. It is not true that love makes things easy: it makes us choose what is difficult.


Felix Holt

Love is basically for teenagers, and when it comes to real life for grown-ups, you're far better off with someone who's moderately pleased to see you when you're around, but leaves you in peace when you've got things to do.


Evil for Evil

It is certain there is no other passion which does produce such contrary effects in so great a degree. But this may be said for love, that if you strike it out of the soul, life would be insipid, and our being but half animated. Human nature would sink into deadness and lethargy, if not quickened with some active principle; and as for all others, whether ambition, envy, or avarice, which are apt to possess the mind in the absence of this passion, it must be allowed that they have greater pains, without the compensation of such exquisite pleasures as those we find in love.


"The Passion of Love", Essays Moral and Humorous

Tags: Joseph Addison

Thou demandest what is love? It is that powerful attraction towards all that we conceive, or fear, or hope beyond ourselves, when we find within our own thoughts the chasm of an insufficient void, and seek to awaken in all things that are, a community with what we experience within ourselves.


"On Love", Essays and Letters

Love is a flaming heart, and its flames aspire
Till they cloud the soul in the smoke of a windy fire.


"In the Wood of Finvara"

Tags: Arthur Symons

Experience is bitter, but its teachings we retain; It has taught me this--who once has loved, loves never on earth again!



Tags: George Arnold

Love laughs at locksmiths.


Tags: English proverbs

So this love still hold true
now what you gonna do
I won't give up on you
Between the moon and sun
this life is never done
I won't give up on you
Set up set up set up my love
I wont give up on you



Love is God's dream for man.


Vatican Radio, October 29, 2017

Love is the power that can anchor and transform both our conflicts and our compromises, as we take firm and steady steps toward big and worthy goals. Although we've banished talk of love from our public discourse, we need to place it back where it belongs -- front and center, right alongside high standards and expectations.


"Back to School -- New Statewide Offerings Include Love", Westerly Sun, August 31, 2016

This may be the very nature of love, a passion as fickle as the sea, full of certainty when the object of desire is absent, yet dubious when confronted again with the lover's presence.


The Witch of Cologne