quotations about love

Love can get nasty when there's people involved.


"Mozart's 'Figaro' Flies Thru Detroit!", America Jr., November 14, 2017

Love is the endless verb; a relationship encompassing the ultimate in holiness. Love does conquer death because in its moment lived it's eternal in nature. Love gives us our purpose, and is our ultimate memorial.


"Perspectives: Love is tangible presence of God", Greenwich Time, October 27, 2017

When I think of what true love means to us, I also think of the mundane days of bill paying, chore completing, and grocery shopping. Even though we hate being adults, being adults together somehow seems tolerable and perhaps even survivable.


"True Love Is Built In The Simple Moments", Huffington Post, October 22, 2017

There is hope for all the colored people in this country while one white woman can love one colored man.


The Path of Thunder

Tags: Peter Abrahams

One of the cruelest things about a wrong love is that it delights in tangles and hidden ways; that it teaches and practices deceit from its first inception; that its earliest efforts are toward destroying all older and more sacred attachments.


A Singer from the Sea

Tags: Amelia E. Barr

It seems to me now that true love is the only theme for either song or story.


Over the Border

Tags: Robert Barr

Love is such a simple thing when we have only one-and-twenty summers and a sweet girl of seventeen trembles under our glance, as if she were a bud first opening her heart with wondering rapture to the morning. Such young unfurrowed souls roll to meet each other like two velvet peaches that touch softly and are at rest; they mingle as easily as two brooklets that ask for nothing but to entwine themselves and ripple with ever-interlacing curves in the leafiest hiding-places.


Adam Bede

Tags: George Eliot

Love covers a multitude of sins.


Little Women

Tags: Louisa May Alcott

There is no evil angel but Love.


Love's Labour's Lost

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor. His early plays were primarily comedies and histories and are regarded as some of the best work produced in these genres. He then wrote mainly tragedies until 1608, among them Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth, all considered to be among the finest works in the English language.

Tags: William Shakespeare

If you do not give right attention to the one you love, it is a kind of killing. When you are in the car together, if you are lost in your thoughts, assuming you already know everything about her, she will slowly die.


O Magazine, Feb. 2007

I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration. Some seem to have but one vulnerable point, or door of access; while others have a thousand avenues, and may be captured in a thousand different ways. It is a great triumph of skill to gain the former, but a still greater proof of generalship to maintain possession of the latter, for man must battle for his fortress at every door and window. He who wins a thousand common hearts is therefore entitled to some renown; but he who keeps undisputed sway over the heart of a coquette is indeed a hero.


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime,
Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.


The Sun Rising

Tags: John Donne

I loved long and long,
And grew to be out of fashion
Like an old song.


"O Do Not Love Too Long", In the Seven Woods

Tags: William Butler Yeats

True love turns words and feelings into actions.


Become a Better You

The ideal of romantic love stands in opposition to much of our history, as we shall see. First of all, it is individualistic. It rejects the view of human beings as interchangeable units, and it attaches the highest importance to individual differences as well as to individual choice. Romantic love is egoistic, in the philosophical, not in the petty, sense. Egoism as a philosophical doctrine holds that self-realization and personal happiness are the moral goals of life, and romantic love is motivated by the desire for personal happiness. Romantic love is secular. In its union of physical with spiritual pleasure in sex and love, as well as in its union of romance and daily life, romantic love is a passionate commitment to this earth and to the exalted happiness that life on earth can offer.


The Psychology of Romantic Love

Empires, thrones, kings, dominions, all may be swept away by the force of circumstances, or time; glory, honour, position, wealth, and good name may be gone forever; and love may still be alive, fresh and young. Love born on high soars aloft, and makes its heavenly influence felt in every land and every clime; every nation bows before its power, every caste and every creed own its conquering influence. Love is the foundation of all happiness here and in the life to come, of all earthly joy and heavenly bliss the one spot of garden in the desert of many a life; the spring that is never dried up, and that pours forth its soothing waters o'er many an aching breast. Love can ne'er be bough; no fear can quench it; and absence makes it burn more brightly. Love never dies, or e'er grows old, but year after year it grows in strength and purity, till its golden rays touch the sky, from whence it came.


"On Love", Short Essays

For misdirected love, the attainment of its object is, indeed, the best cure; but it cures as the guillotine cures headache.



Tags: Ivan Panin

True love survives all shocks: an affection originally produced by admiration for unusual beauty may not only survive the loss of that beauty, but may become more intense if the beauty has changed into ugliness through causes that bind the lovers together in tender associations.


Moods of Life

Love speaks a language most sublime,
Its idioms known in every clime.


"Love's Language"

Young love-making--that gossamer web! Even the points it clings to--the things whence its subtle interlacings are swung--are scarcely perceptible: momentary touches of finger-tips, meetings of rays from blue and dark orbs, unfinished phrases, lightest changes of cheek and lip, faintest tremors. The web itself is made of spontaneous beliefs and indefinable joys, yearnings of one life towards another, visions of completeness, indefinite trust.

