quotations about mercy

In this life, mercy and forgiveness is our way and evermore leadeth us to grace.


Revelations of Divine Love

We hand folks over to God's mercy, and show none ourselves.


Adam Bede

Tags: George Eliot

I will show mercy to whomever I will show mercy, and I will show compassion to whomever I will show compassion.


Romans 9:15

Tags: God

It strikes me there is something greater than judgement. I think it is called mercy.


The Secret Scripture

Mercy often inflicts death.



Tags: Seneca

Were there but a single mercy apportioned to each moment of our lives, the sum would rise very high; but our arithmetic is confounded when every minute has more than we can distinctly number.


attributed, Day's Collacon

God expects Us to have Mercy. God demands it. And yet how much Mercy does He show Us?



Rats and conquerors must expect no mercy in misfortune.


Lacon: Or, Many Things in a Few Words

Tags: Charles Caleb Colton

The soul closes against hate when dove-eyed mercy pleads.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Thus, by the unutterable mercy of God, even the very punishment of wickedness has become the armor of virtue, and the penalty of the sinner becomes the reward of the righteous.


The City of God

Tags: St. Augustine

Everywhere the need exists for maternal sympathy and help, and thus we are able to recapitulate in the one word motherliness that which we have developed as the characteristic value of woman. Only, the motherliness must be that which does not remain within the narrow circle of blood relations or of personal friends; but in accordance with the model of the Mother of Mercy, it must have its root in universal divine love for all who are there, belabored and burdened.


The Significance of Woman's Intrinsic Value in National Life

Mercy did not exist in the primordial life. It was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstandings made for death.


The Call of the Wild

Tags: Jack London

Any time any of us reaches out, any time we pour even a drop of love, compassion, simple human decency (no matter how small; how seemingly insignificant) into the sea of earthly existence -- we are, each and every one of us -- the being called Mercy.



Mercy is a working that cometh of the goodness of God, and it shall last in working all along, as sin is suffered to pursue rightful souls. And when sin hath no longer leave to pursue, then shall the working of mercy cease, and then shall all be brought to rightfulness and therein stand without end.


Revelations of Divine Love

The merciful man is one that loves to show mercy, not only on account of a soft natural temper, self-interest, philosophical considerations; but from an unfeigned regard to the authority of God in his holy law, an earnest desire after conformity to his image; and especially from a serious sense of his pardoning mercy in Christ Jesus. How can he but forgive a few pence, who is himself forgiven in ten thousand talents? Has God, all-gracious and merciful, opened his bowels of compassion to me, a wretched guilty creature: and shall I shut up my bowels of compassion from my distressed brother? Shall I put on bowels of adamant and brass, who am a pensioner of the tender mercies of God? It is mercy that feeds me; it is mercy that clothes me; it is mercy that delivers my soul from the lowest hell, where I had been miserable beyond all expression. I have freely received mercy, and shall I not freely give? He is merciful to others, for God is merciful to him.


"On the Merciful Man", Select Essays Doctrinal & Practical on a Variety of the Most Important and Interesting Subjects in Divinity

A good man is merciful to his beast, and much more to his brother. Merciful to his beast, did we say? yea, to the beast of his mortal enemy.


"On the Merciful Man", Select Essays Doctrinal & Practical on a Variety of the Most Important and Interesting Subjects in Divinity

And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?


Micah 6:8

Tags: Bible quotes

God puts consolation only where He has first put pain, and causes His mercies to abound nowhere, save in the furrow traced by penitence and laborious effort.


The Writings of Madame Swetchine

Tags: Madame Swetchine

God's mercies are tender. They are unbounded, and they are tender. Our mercy is not tender. What little mercy you find in man is often harsh and hard. It is not tender at all. It is a common saying among us, "I forgive, but I do not forget." We "forgive" with an air of superiority, superciliously. There is often harshness, hardness, unkindness, in the way in which our mercy is bestowed. You have often received mercy in such a way as to make you feel that you had nearly paid for it, in having to suffer the rude unkindly manner in which it was bestowed. And even when that is not so, but when man bestows his kindness and vouchsafes his mercy in his blandest way, you could never think of calling it tender.... But God forgives, and when he forgives, he does it tenderly. There is no upbraiding. He blots out the transgression, and there is no more remembrance of it at all. He forgets as soon as he forgives.


Illustrative Gatherings for Preachers and Teachers

Mercy is the apex of God's glory the way the overflow of a fountain is the apex of the fountain's fullness. God is free to be merciful because he is full and utterly self-sufficient in himself.


Let the Nations Be Glad!