quotations about poetry

Poetry is one of the ancient arts, and it began, as did all the fine arts, within the original wilderness of the earth. Also, it began through the process of seeing, and feeling, and hearing, and smelling, and touching, and then remembering--I mean remembering in words--what these perceptual experiences were like, while trying to describe the endless invisible fears and desires of our inner lives.


A Poetry Handbook

Tags: Mary Oliver

Poetry, even when apparently most fantastic, is always a revolt against artifice, a revolt, in a sense, against actuality. It speaks of what seems fantastic and unreal to those who have lost the simple intuitions which are the test of reality; and, as it is often found at war with its age, so it makes no account of history, which is fabled by the daughters of memory.


a lecture on James Clarence Mangan delivered at the Literary and Historical Society, University College, Dublin, February 1, 1902

Tags: James Joyce

The Poet is a kinsman in the clouds
Who scoffs at archers, loves a stormy day;
But on the ground, among the hooting crowds,
He cannot walk, his wings are in the way.


"The Albotross"

Tags: Charles Baudelaire

Whenever I read a poem that moves me, I know I'm not alone in the world. I feel a connection to the person who wrote it, knowing that he or she has gone through something similar to what I've experienced, or felt something like what I have felt. And their poem gives me hope and courage, because I know that they survived, that their life force was strong enough to turn experience into words and shape it into meaning and then bring it toward me to share.


All Things Considered, February 20, 2006

Tags: Gregory Orr

Sometimes when a prose poem is floundering, I rewrite it as verse, and it's better in that form. The reverse process of verse into prose poem, also works to clarify what's working in the writing and what's not. It's not a blunt line that demarcates the difference between verse and the prose poem.


"An interview with Walter Bargen, first poet laureate of Missouri"

Tags: Walter Bargen

Poetry is pretty much everywhere: bubbling in the broken coffee machine, creeping through the cold-calls, boasting in the empty bank balance. Poetry is disconcerting and at best dangerous, lurking in that deep-stomach lurch when you lean too close to the platform edge.


"A plate of poetry, please: Is poetry more important than politics?", Varsity Online, May 3, 2016

No one ever expects poetry to sell.


interview, Identity Theory, November 16, 2000

Tags: Alan Lightman

There's no preparation for poetry. Four years of grave digging with a nice volume of poetry or a book of philosophy in one's pocket would serve as well as any university.


The Paris Review, spring 2005

Tags: Charles Simic

For the first rate poet, nothing short of a Queen or a Chimera is adequate for the powers of his praise.



Tags: Wyndham Lewis

If the poet would avoid pepsis in his patients, his scalpel must be as clean as the surgeon's.


Keystones of Thought

Tags: Austin O'Malley

The poet is the man that sings,
That plays upon the harp's wild strings,
That reads the tale of starry skies,
That soars aloft on seraph's wings.



Tags: Benjamin Franklin Field

Poetry as religion -- I'll drink to that! For me it is a sacred vocation, and one that no one can take away from me. One is a witch in community, one has a job title conferred by an employer: but one can be a poet without approval or sanction from anyone else. Even a child writing their first poems may call themselves a poet. I love that.


"On Poetry: A Conversation", Patheos, April 30, 2016

The worst slam poetry is just banal prose with peculiar line breaks, syllable counting gurning and mime hands. Noble social protest is lost beneath all the posturing self-aggrandisement, faux patois and, ironically "keeping it real". The best Slam poets -- the really good ones who get toured around and awarded residencies even though they rarely, if ever, compete anymore and less often publish -- are genuinely brilliant, cut from the same cloth as the best stand-up comedians and character actors, but are still largely performing dramatic monologues.


"Slam poetry is despicable and dumb-ass and not good", The Spinoff, April 27, 2016

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.



Tags: Aristotle

It is not in his personal emotions, the emotions provoked by particular events in his life, that the poet is in any way remarkable or interesting. His particular emotions may be simple, or crude, or flat. The emotion in his poetry will be a very complex thing, but not with the complexity of the emotions of people who have very complex or unusual emotions in life. One error, in fact, of eccentricity in poetry is to seek for new human emotions to express; and in this search for novelty in the wrong place it discovers the perverse. The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones and, in working them up into poetry, to express feelings which are not in actual emotions at all.


Tradition and the Individual Talent

Tags: T. S. Eliot

Then one can't make a living out of poetry?
Certainly not. What fool expects to? Out of rhyming, yes.


Martin Eden

Tags: Jack London

I want to be a poet, from head to toe, living and dying by poetry.


letter to Melchor Fernandez Almagro, February 1926

Tags: Federico Garcia Lorca

Though my verse but roam the air
And murmur in the trees,
You may discern a purpose there,
As in music of the bees.


"A Birthday", Lyrical Poems

Tags: Alfred Austin

Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem.


"The Philosophy of Composition"

Tags: Edgar Allan Poe

There is something about writing poetry that brings a man close to the cliff's edge.


Notes of a Dirty Old Man

Tags: Charles Bukowski