quotations about senility
Senility is a very gradual process. In medical terminology it follows an "insidious" course. That is to say, an exceedingly serious and even life-threatening condition may develop very gradually and almost imperceptibly from seemingly innocuous beginnings.
Guide to Alzheimer's Disease
I've decided if I don't go senile when I'm older, I'll just fake it.
Senility, easy prey, your mind fades away
"Pawn of Prophecy"
He was an old and washed up and
A self proclaimed hero
Although his senile rambling seemed
Far too unbelievable
But I can't comprehend the way your mind goes out of tune
It used to be called "senility" -- the mental deterioration that older people underwent -- as though all old people suffered from it. But that changed. It changed for the realistic reason that elderly people differed greatly in how disoriented they became as they aged. And it changed for the pragmatic reason that, with the graying of America, older Americans didn't want to believe they were destined to lose their ability to function. And, so, what was called senility, a function simply of growing old, was redefined as a disease--dementia. Then it was further refined as Alzheimer's Disease. At first, Alzheimer's was regarded as a subcategory of dementia. But, more and more, the label came to apply to ALL older people who "lost their wits," as the experience used to be described. And, with the greater diseasification, came the hope--the belief--that senility was on the verge of being cured.
"Will We Cure Alzheimer's?", Psychology Today, October 25, 2011
Despite the fact that senility is not an inevitable accompaniment of aging, the prevailing cultural expectation appears to be that it is a normal aspect of growing old. In part this expectation is a consequence of the descriptive language employed. The dictionary definition of "senile" is "of or characteristic of old age", while "senility" is defined as "mentally or physically weak or infirm because of old age". From these definitions it can easily be inferred that mental and physical infirmity is a characteristic of old age. Butler argued strongly against the myth of inevitability of senility, maintaining forcefully that senility, when it occurs, is the result of disease or disorder. In other words senility is abnormal, not normal, and thus the causes are pathological and not the inevitable consequence of biological aging.
On Being Old: The Psychology Of Later Life
Death is coming--but hopefully not before old age, decrepitude, and senility.
This Book Title Is Invisible
The first sign of senility is loss of memory. I forget the other two.
Senility is basically infancy consciousness. It is reliving in a psychophysical way the feelings and memories that are stored or stuck in the body.
Breaking the Death Habit: The Science of Everlasting Life
For, it is Nora, again, who will observe the "terrible blurred cloudy look" on the face of Father Stone and will not be able to decide if this is senility or mere fatigue and indigestion.
Commonweal, Vol. 93
Senility is the precursor to death.
Dancing with Death Thru Senility Into Eternality
Young men have a passion for regarding their elders as senile.
The Education of Henry Adams
If senility is a disease for which a cure can be found, then the ultimate dream of humankind could be in reach: a cure for old age and death, and thus the certainty of continued embodiment.
The Social Construction of Dementia
I don't believe in "senility"--what is frequently called "senility" is actually a dehumanization and depersonalization that is inflicted on people led to believe all their lives that the old get "senile"--and so they become ready victims when presented with such problems as loss of spouse or job, retirement, lessened ability to work, a stroke or heart attack.
attributed, Guide to Alzheimer's Disease
When I get old & senile, I want my vocabulary to be music lyrics and movie quotes so I can completely bewilder everyone around me with my awesomeness.
Senescence or senility
How long until you sleep?
Discarded for all it's worth
Now it's quiet under this fresh earth
"True Adventures"
King Lear, of neurotic senility
Bred of tyrannous escape from reality
"The Ivory Tower", Collected Poems
Senility is one of the great natural barriers to total spiritual enlightenment.
Breaking the Death Habit: The Science of Everlasting Life
Research shows that the overall percentage of those over 65 in our society who are afflicted with senility is not much higher than four percent, which is a much lower figure than is commonly assumed by most people.
The Family Counselor
I needed someone I could call my mistress
To help me back from the fire to the frying pan
She's young enough to write me off as senile
But I'm old enough to read between the lines
"She Don't Fool Me"