quotations about sin

The greatest temptations are not those that solicit our consent to obvious sin, but those that offer us great evils masking as the greatest goods.


No Man Is an Island

Tags: Thomas Merton

The problem of sin is not to be confounded with the fact of sin. As to the fact, there is no room for question. All the great dramatists have recognized it in their portrayal of remorse, indignation, penalty, repentance, forgiveness, restoration. The great historians have recognized it, in depicting the struggle of righteousness with moral evil. Religious worship is largely founded upon it; for religious worship is largely an endeavor of the worshiper to rid himself of the present burden and the future penalty of sin. All government recognizes it; for certainly the first if not also the chief function of government is to protect the innocent from the sins of the sinful. He who denies the fact of sin denies the police and the prison, the temple and the priest, the battle-field and the martyrdom, Shakespeare and Aeschylus. The problem is not, Is there sin? but, Whence comes it? If we are to cure a disease, we must know its nature and origin. What is the nature and origin of sin, the cure of which is alike the problem of government, education, and religion -- of the courts, the school, and the church?


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: Lyman Abbott

A sin is wrong not because it makes you feel bad--though it should--but because it is wrong.


The Sunrise Lands

Tags: S. M. Stirling

By the sympathy of your human hearts for sin ye shall scent out all the places -- whether in church, bedchamber, street, field, or forest -- where crime has been committed, and shall exult to behold the whole earth one stain of guilt, one mighty blood spot.


Young Goodman Brown

Tags: Nathaniel Hawthorne

I find that the devil often makes use of the confession of sin to stir up again the very sin confessed into new exercise, so that I am afraid to dwell upon the confession.


The Life and Remains, Letters, Lectures, and Poems of the Rev Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Sin is the great element of hell, and where it exists heaven cannot be. Its triumphs are deeper than those of time, and more terrible than death. It has swept over the moral world, more glorious than the physical, and blighted by the beautiful and desecrated the holy. It has scattered abroad and afar the seeds of envy, war, lust, intemperance, murder, and all abomination and iniquity. It has drawn man aside from innocence and rectitude, and he has gone forth from the joy of Eden with a bowed head and a burning heart; and, worse than all, it has spread a veil athwart his moral vision, and alienated him from his Maker.


Living Words

Tags: E. H. Chapin

The great cheat and delusion set before every generation is simply this tradition, that there is anything like real substantial pleasure in sin.


Living Words

Too often, we say we are defeated by this or that sin. No, we are not defeated. We are simply disobedient. It might be good if we stop using the terms victory and defeat to describe our progress in holiness. Rather, we should use the terms obedience and disobedience. When I say I am defeated by some sin, I am unconsciously slipping out from under my responsibility. I am saying something outside of me has defeated me. But when I say I am disobedient, that places the responsibility for my sin squarely on me. We may in fact be defeated, but the reason we are defeated is because we have chosen to disobey.


The Pursuit of Holiness

Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?



Tags: Chuck Palahniuk

Dear lost sinner, if you are a wicked sinner, yet you do not have to die and go to Hell forever. If you are a criminal or a harlot, a blasphemer, a drunkard, a convict, or a dope fiend, God does not want you to go to Hell. People do not go to Hell simply because they are sinners. Rather they go because they will not repent of their sins! If you today will confess your sins to God, and in your poor, helpless heart, will, as far as you know how, turn away from your sin, God will have mercy and will forgive and save.


The Ruin of a Christian

Tags: John R. Rice

And secret sin must ever share
The secret misery.


I Love to Pace the Ruin'd Cell

Tags: Thomas Haynes Bayly

But let me tell ya, spend every day living only for yourself, every day indulging in little sins that aren't that big of a deal, and one day I may be showing you the ropes in hell. Amen.


The Collector

Do you think that your sin is hidden away? Do you think that men will never know it? Well, you should remember that God knows it already. And you should remember, second, that sin continued in will inevitably come to light. Usually it will be exposed in this life. Certainly it will be exposed when you stand before God and God's record books are opened. That which is whispered in a corner shall be shouted from a housetop. God will bring every secret thing to judgment, we are told. What warning to our hearts!


What It Costs to Be a Good Christian

Sin is a slippery slope, and even the most pious of us, once we've taken those first tentative steps toward sin, find it difficult to turn back.


"The Story of Sin (1975) - The Blu Review", We Are Movie Geeks, August 10, 2017

Sin is like fire in that it will never die out while it is supplied with suitable fuel; unpardoned by grace, it will be its own fuel, and burn forever.


Six Thousand Illustrations of Moral and Religious Truths

A sinner is an incendiary and sets the world on fire.


Moral and Religious Aphorisms

All the sinners, all who are
in torment are my brothers and sisters.
Who is there in this world of
sin, male or female, who has not committed sin?
Let alone us: Those who are
said to be the saviours of
sinners are themselves sullied of sin.


"Sin", Rebel and Other Poems

If our goal is to be close to God, to have a relationship with God, sin is the stuff that knocks us off course or sends us in another direction.


"Let's talk about sin, shall we?", Bashaw Star, August 10, 2017

Sin, by its deadly infusions into the soul of man, wastes and eats out the innate vigor of the soul, and casts it into such a deep lethargy, as that it is not able to recover itself.


Select Discourses

Wickedness comes to its height by degrees. He that dares say of a less sin, Is it not a little one? will ere long say of a greater, Tush, God regards it not!


Meditations Divine and Moral

Tags: Anne Bradstreet