quotations about virtual reality

By now, you're probably tired of hearing about how virtual reality is the next big thing for movies and games. But here's one you may not have heard yet: that virtual reality could be the next big thing for culinary experiences. Potentially, the technology could help us consume our favorite tastes while avoiding unwanted side effects -- whether food allergens or just extra calories. As someone who has long had a fraught relationship with the rotation of wonders at my local doughnut shop (think seasonal confections like Pumpkin Fool), the idea holds an undeniable appeal.


"We Sampled The Gastronomic Frontier Of Virtual Reality", NPR, January 29, 2016

Virtual reality could add a lot of culture to our lives. The technology could instantly transport users to the Louvre in Paris, the Acropolis in Athens and the Guggenheim in New York City, all in one day. In fact, a number of museums have already collaborated with developers to create virtual spaces where people can experience the museums' physical collections.


"Beyond Gaming: 10 Other Fascinating Uses for Virtual-Reality Tech", livescience

Virtual reality, like reality, shouldn't have a HUD.


"This Year's VR Milestones Elevated It From Novelty to Art Form", Digital Trends, December 30, 2016

I know that I'm not alone, and other people who play VR feel the same thing, where it's like, nothing really feels real anymore. It's very odd.


attributed, "Virtual Reality Is Disorienting People Into Questioning Reality", Nextgov, December 21, 2016

For human experience, a virtual reality is a sequence of events and situations which express facts in the world of the possible and the artificial, without a bilateral comparison with tested reality.


Virtual Reality in Neuro-Psycho-Physiology: Cognitive, Clinical and Methodological Issues in Assessment and Rehabilitation