quotations about willpower
One notable study showed a seemingly miraculous way to restore willpower: by consuming sugar. The study claimed that participants who had sipped sugar-sweetened lemonade demonstrated increased self-control and stamina on difficult tasks.
"The Way You Think About Willpower Is Hurting You", Huffington Post, November 22, 2016
Most of the time, when you think of willpower, you think of resisting temptation. Those of us who are able to stick to a diet and resist that perfect looking cheesecake sitting on the counter have amazing willpower and you want to be like them. You know you have a chocolate problem, but if only you could have steel reserve, you'd be able to resist. But this is just one aspect of how willpower manifests in your life. Saying yes is often just as important as saying no. When we have a list of tasks to do, but know that we could just watch Netflix all day instead, willpower is what helps you tackle those tasks instead of, or at least before, giving in and watching the latest season of your favorite show. Willpower means doing this especially when you don't want to.
"The Secret to Creating a Successful Online Business", Huffington Post, March 13, 2017
Bad habits are hard to break -- and they're impossible to break if we try to break them all at once. The human pre-frontal cortex is like a muscle. It has to be trained. If you joined a local gym, you would never dream of starting out lifting a 300-pound barbell on your first session. You'd start with a 2-pound weight for a 2-minute session, working up slowly to heavier weights and longer periods of endurance. Trying to keep a New Year's resolution to quit smoking or lose a bunch of weight, is expecting your pre-frontal cortex to pick up the equivalent of a 300-pound barbell on the first attempt -- and to keep doing it for hours on end. It's not possible.
"Everyday Cheapskate: Sticking to New Year's resolution requires baby steps", Twin Cities Pioneer Press, January 23, 2016
Willpower is another important ingredient in self-control. Sticking to one's plan is hard work. Without the willpower to bring about changes, the best laid plans and all the monitoring in the world will not be good enough.
Eating Behavior and Obesity
Willpower is consciousness in action.
Karma is Negotiable: Destiny and the Divine Power of Love
He who wills believes with a fair amount of certainty that will and action are somehow one; he ascribes the success, the carrying out of the willing, to the will itself, and thereby enjoys an increase of the sensation of power which accompanies all success.
Beyond Good and Evil
A strong will deals with the hard facts of life as a sculptor with his marbles, making them facile and yielding to his purposes, and conquering their stubbornness by a greater stubbornness in himself.
Intuitions and Summaries of Thought
He who is firm in will molds the world to himself.
Hermann und Dorothea
Wishes run over in loquacious impotence, will presses on with laconic energy.
Aphorisms on Man
There is only one will -- the Universal Will. In order to make anything happen on this plane, one must align one's self with the Universal Spirit.
"Willpower", beliefnet, March 17, 2017
Reprogramming your behaviors is critical for achieving change, but what about when you just want to avoid texting your ex on his birthday? You still need willpower to help resist making life's everyday bad decisions.
"7 Things You Didn't Know About Your Own Willpower", Shape, January 26, 2017
Man liveth from hour to hour, and knoweth not what may happen; Influences circle him on all sides, and yet must he answer for his actions: For the being that is master of himself, bendeth events to his will, But a slave to selfish passions is the wavering creature of circumstance.
Proverbial Philosophy
A man can do what he ought to do; and when he says he cannot, it is because he will not.
letter, 1791
A willing heart adds feather to the heel,
And makes the clown a winged Mercury.
De Montfort
Will without power is like children playing at soldiers.
The Rovers, or The Double Arrangement
We know what willpower is, but by some misguided conception, many of us believe we have to be a certain type of person, strong, determined, extroverted, to be able to be willful, to exercise willpower. Not so. We all have it and just don't know how to use it.
You Own the Power
If, like me, you made resolutions, they're probably mostly broken by now. Trouble is, the ones we make are hard to keep. I know only too well the only way of achieving my resolve to lose 30 pounds of ugly fat is to cut off my head. Dieting won't do it. No willpower is the problem. Maybe we should give ourselves a break and go for easier resolutions, like abstaining from all green vegetables, and only choking down unhealthy, fat-making, fodder.
"The Donald, The Hillary, and resolutions", The Blade, January 11, 2016
For most of us, the classic test of willpower is resisting temptation, whether the temptress is a doughnut, a cigarette, a clearance sale, or a one-night stand. When people say, "I have no willpower," what they usually mean is, "I have trouble saying no when my mouth, stomach, heart, or (fill in your anatomical part) wants to say yes."
The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
Did you know that your willpower is powered by food? No wonder it's so hard to diet. When we don't eat, our willpower goes down the drain. The best cure is a meal rich in protein, which enables the most optimal willpower.
"7 Research-Backed Ways To Build And Maintain Your Willpower", Elite Daily, February 4, 2016
Acknowledge that willpower is a fickle thing, instead of punishing yourself for lapses in judgment.
"Is This Phenomenon Ruining Your Healthy Diet?", Boston Magazine, March 15, 2017