quotations about wine

Inevitably I came to associate any wine I met with a specific place and a particular slant of history. I learned to perceive more than could be deduced from an analysis of the physical elements in the glass. For me, an important part of the pleasure of wine is its reflection of the total environment that produced it. If I find in a wine no hint of where it was grown, no mark of the summer when the fruit ripened, and no indication of the usages common among those who made it, I am frustrated and disappointed. Because that is what a good, honest wine should offer.


introduction, A Vineyard in My Glass

Great wine is great wine, regardless of the packaging; sadly the converse is also true.


"Box Wine -- Not that bad at all", Jamaica Observer, June 2, 2016

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile,
Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.


The Odyssey

Tags: Homer

Wine is valued by its price, not its flavour.


The Belton Estate

Tags: Anthony Trollope

If a man rejoice not in his drinking, he is mad; for in drinking it's possible ... to fondle breasts, and to caress well tended locks, and there is dancing withal, and oblivion of woe.


The Cyclops

Tags: Euripides

In vino veritas, the Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote. In wine is truth. It's an old Latin phrase making fun of people who speak their minds under the influence of alcohol.... Today, in vino veritas has been embraced by wine lovers as a positive, or at least a nuanced, statement. There is always that negative connotation of loose-lipped inebriation, but it also hints of a more positive truth, hidden within ourselves and revealed through wine's mystical quality to elevate our spirit, as the wine we take at communion brings us closer to God.


"In Vino Veritas", WineLine, June 4, 2018

Tags: truth

As a commodity, the value of wine is one that draws a lot of skepticism. The higher the price tag a wine has the further divorced its cost seems to be from its production. It's a reductive perspective, but certainly the most expensive wines command prices far removed from the cost of production; instead scarcity, demand, terroir, story, the market economy and -- hopefully -- quality are what drive prices higher.


"Halo Effect Gives Wine Prices Wings", Wine Searcher, May 30, 2016

Wine fills every corner and crevice of my life. I love drinking, be it for work or pleasure. And after 20 years in the wine industry, vino and I are very old friends. Even when I'm not working I've been known to absent-mindedly swirl and sniff my tea, forgetting it was a mug in my hand and not the stem of a wine glass.


"How giving up booze for just one month banished our wine critic's wrinkles", The Daily Mail, February 5, 2016

The memory of some bottles can stay with your for life. While the wine doesn't have to be old and rare, a great old bottle can be like a time capsule, capturing in its flavors and aromas the time and place of its creation.


French Women for All Seasons

Wine is a living, breathing thing during its time in the bottle and in the glass. It is always changing, especially in the glass. A little oxygen can really open up and release the flavors in a complex wine, as well as mellow the rougher edge of immaturity.


French Women for All Seasons

Tags: Mireille Guiliano

Wine is a little bottle of teleportation. It takes you where it was made. The more you drink wine, the more you start to realize this tastes like Italy, or this tastes like France. How the hell can Italy have a taste?! Wine, that's how.


"6 Reasons Wine is the Greatest Beverage Of All Time", V is for Vino

Wine can be difficult. It comes into the room all puffed up and scholarly like your tweedy cousin who graduated from Yale and yammers endlessly about geography, horticulture, technique, and all the rest.


"How to Drink Wine Without Looking Dumb or Going Broke", City Pages, February 3, 2016

No wine can be regarded as unimportant, my friend, since the marriage at Cana.


Monsignor Quixote

Tags: Graham Greene

I should say upfront that I have never been in a cellar in my life. In fact, I can see no reason why anyone should ever go into a cellar unless there is wine involved.


Hex Hall

For when the wine is in, the wit is out.



Tags: Thomas Becon

Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.



Wine is for sharing. What's the fun of swirling, swishing, sloshing and yakking if my friends can't join in?


Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine

Wine is a passport to the world.


Adventures in Wine

Tags: Thom Elkjer

Wine is a grocery, not a luxury.


attributed, "Wine Ink: All Hail Italy -- drinking from the Boot is about pure pleasure", Sierra Sun, May 20, 2016

Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can ... and wine to accept the things I cannot.


Tags: change