quotations about women
Women ... have long been discouraged from the awareness and forthright expression of anger. Sugar and spice are the ingredients from which we are made. We are the nurturers, the soothers, the peacemakers, and the steadiers of rocked boats.
The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships
They often say woman cannot keep a secret, but every woman in the world, like every man, has a hundred secrets in her own soul which she hides from even herself. The more respectable she is, the more certain it is the secrets exist.
Keystones of Thought
Women can sometimes be unpredictable. Even as a woman, I regularly don't understand the choices of my female friends, mother (love you) and sisters (love you lots!).
"Why Women Are So Complicated", Huffington Post, February 9, 2016
Men are often like that. They grow bored with simple goodness and want a woman who is dangerous, a challenge.
Game of Patience
There are two kinds of spiritual law, two kinds of conscience, one in man and another, altogether different, in woman. They do not understand each other; but in practical life the woman is judged by man's law, as though she were not a woman but a man.
From Ibsen's Workshop
Woman's great strength lies in being late or absent. Presence immediately reveals the weak points of our beloved; when she is absent she become one of the sylph-like figures of our adolescence whom we endowed with perfection.
An Art of Living
The burning gaze of a young woman, such as hath tasted man, shall not escape me; for I have a spirit keen to mark these things.
fragment, Toxotides
To emancipate woman is to refuse to confine her to the relations she bears to man, not to deny them to her; let her have her independent existence and she will continue none the less to exist for him also: mutually recognising each other as subject, each will yet remain for the other an other. The reciprocity of their relations will not do away with the miracles -- desire, possession, love, dream, adventure -- worked by the division of human beings into two separate categories; and the words that move us -- giving, conquering, uniting -- will not lose their meaning. On the contrary, when we abolish the slavery of half of humanity, together with the whole system of hypocrisy that it implies, then the 'division' of humanity will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form.
The Second Sex
We never see the mass of women en costume, without being reminded of the artificial flies used in angling--tricked out, also, with much the same object, only that, like St. Peter, women are "fishers of men."
The Maxims, Experiences, and Observations of Agogos
Men do foolish things thoughtlessly, knowing not why; but no woman doeth aught without a reason.
The Maxims of Methuselah
Some women destroy all your sensibility towards them by their coldness, others by their heat.
Maxims, Characters, and Reflections
A woman, like a cross-eyed man, looks one way, but goes another--hence her mysteriousness.
Keystones of Thought
Does the imagination dwell the most
Upon a woman won or woman lost?
"The Tower", The Tower
Grab a woman. Help the movement. Liberate a woman tonight. You'll get stale out here in the woods, living like a bear. Your balls will shrink, your tongue grow stiff and heavy. Your mind will wither away. Whatever became of William Gatlin? Went mad flogging his bloody duff.
The Serpents of Paradise
Certainly, it is more reasonable to devote one's life to women than to postage stamps or old snuff-boxes, even to pictures or statues. But the example of other collections should be a warning to us to diversify, to have not one woman only but several.
The Guermantes Way
A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.
The Gospel According to Coco Chanel
A campaign is using a new hashtag called #WomenNotObjects to promote the need to stop objectifying women when it comes to advertising products and companies. The YouTube post, "We Are #WomenNotObjects" has received approximately 1,075,821 views and demonstrates to its viewers that you can find many advertisements that objectify women just by googling it.
"Women are not objects for your brand", Talon Marks, February 9, 2016
In a society that is becoming desensitized, robotic and in some cases debilitatingly prescriptive. Women are faking orgasms more -- maybe to just get it all over with.
blog post, Pamela Anderson Foundation, March 30, 2017
Women age early, and their mistake is not knowing where to hide all the time that lies behind them so that no one sees it. What are they to do, devour it like the umbilical cords of their children? Hell and damnation!
Men can sleep with a different woman every night and indulge in the most revolting practices--but let an unmarried woman make one mistake, be led astray when she's young and silly and knows nothing of the world, and she's tainted for life and called a harlot!
Game of Patience