Anglican priest & novelist (1834-1924)

If God, placing the attributes of each man under the seal of an eternal limit, had said to him," Thus far shalt thou go, and no further," each man, enclosed within this insurmountable barrier, might have questioned the Divine Justice for having refused to him what was given to another. But God has, on the contrary, made the talents of one to be the property of all, so that "none of us liveth or dieth to himself," and has given to all an unlimited power of acquisition, for the purpose of perpetually assimilating the gifts of others.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

The drowning man may be saved by a plank or a rope, but there are circumstances in which plank or rope can not avail him. How much better for him to have learned that in himself is the principle of buoyancy.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: circumstances

The times have been bad, the hay was black with rain, the corn did not kern well, the mottled cow dropped her calf, the tenants have not paid, and so my poor boy gets nothing but advice in bushels and exhortations in yards.



Tags: advice

Liberty is potential. To create a free being is to place before it the problem of its destiny.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: destiny

God, then, did not find in Himself any reason for creating. If the reason for creation were to be found in the nature of the Absolute, there would be no creation. The existence of the world is therefore irrational, for what can be more irrational than the idea of something added to perfection? Nevertheless the world exists. Reality is not rational, it is superior to reason.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: reason

Deny God, and authority rests on force alone; we relapse into despotism.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: authority

Because one man is a fool, is that reason why his friend ... should not be wise? Because one man throws away a diamond, why his comrade should not pick it up and wear it on his finger?



Tags: fool

Reason is dependent on faith, and faith is helpless without reason. A belief of some sort underlies every system of thought. If we bore as deep as we can through systems, the deepest thing we reach is an undemonstrable thesis, which is accepted and believed in as a verity. It is the primary substance which is unaffected by the most corrosive acid so long as it remains uncombined.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: faith

It is a singular fact that men generally, and every man in particular, constantly endeavor to desert real life for one which is altogether artificial, artistic, and, in a word, ideal. The ideal is an image of perfection created by the soul itself.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: desert

Immorality is the negation of my higher nature; the affirmation of my animality alone and its opposition to my spirituality to the exclusion of the latter.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: spirituality

By the conception of Christ as the eternal equation of the finite and the infinite, one obtains a clear notion of the grandeur of the mystery of mediation . He is not merely the regenerator of man, He is the peacemaker between man and man, man and all nature, and man and God; the link between man and man, and man and nature, and man and God.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: nature

Many are the origins attributed to man in the various creeds of ancient and modern heathendom. Sometimes he is spoken of as having been made out of water, but more generally it is of earth that he has been made, or from which he has been spontaneously born. The Peruvians believed that the world was peopled by four men and four women, brothers and sisters, who emerged from the caves near Cuzco. Among the North American Indians the earth is regarded as the universal mother. Men came into existence in her womb, and crept out of it by climbing up the roots of the trees which hung from the vault in which they were conceived and matured; or, mounting a deer, the animal brought them into daylight; or, groping in darkness, they tore their way out with their nails.


Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets and Other Old Testament Characters

Tags: Men

Life is not a mere exterior movement, the movement of the being in its relations to other beings, but it is also, and especially, an internal movement from the visible to the invisible, from the real to the ideal, from the finite to the infinite.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Christ, comprehending in one the two natures, human and divine, being the union of the relative and the absolute, is therefore the living realization of that Ideal, infinite in itself, and infinite in each of its terms, which marks the phases of His eternal work. Mediator between the create and the uncreate, which are united in Himself, He is, in His Church, which is His body, the eternal harmonizer of all individual reasons in the unity of the Divine reason, or the Word made flesh, conceived and realized by the Spirit of infinite love, in whom all love is also universalized.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: love

Art cannot become worn out; from change to change it will alter its type, but each type will be beautiful, and none will be exhaustive.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: change

Power is the exercise of superior force against a body that resists. Suppress the idea of resistance, and the idea of power disappears.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: exercise

In considering the right of man, we have had to treat him as an unit, but the state of separation is not that of the primitive existence of men. On the contrary, the first man alone could have risen into being outside of all social relations; every other man has been born in the bosom of a family, and therefore finds himself in the midst of a society already shaped; and, being unable to grow up without assistance, the association has maintained itself, and the ideas of those educated in it have been moulded by the organization.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: family

If we suppose for a moment that space exists, and that God placed the world in it, why did He place it in the spot it occupies instead of any other spot, all space being alike, and no one point being preferable to any other point? God acted without having a reason, for if space is, His choice of a place was arbitrary; but God cannot act irrationally. Therefore space is not.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

If there be an axiom evident to all, it is this, that liberty is a first necessity of existence.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: liberty

Religion! you should have seen his face, he started at the word as if he had been shot.


Only a Ghost