quotations about marriage

I have always considered marriage as the most interesting event of one's life, the foundation of happiness or misery.


letter to Burwell Bassett, May 23, 1785

Tags: George Washington

Marriage ... has historically been a battlefield, the site of collisions within and between governments and religions over who should regulate it. But marriage has weathered centuries of skirmishes and change. It has evolved from an institution that was imposed on some people and denied to others, to the loving union of companionship, commitment, and caring between equal partners that we think of today.


Why Marriage Matters

Tags: Evan Wolfson

There is almost no marital problem that can't be helped enormously by taking off your clothes.


"The Old Scout", The Writer's Almanac, October 4, 2005

Tags: Garrison Keillor

Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart.


The Scarlet Letter

Tags: Nathaniel Hawthorne

All of us, at least unconsciously, marry in the hope of healing our wounds. Even if we do not have a traumatic background, we still have hurts and unfilled needs that we carry inside. We all suffer from feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, and inadequacy. No matter how nurturing our parents were, we never received enough attention and love. So in marriage we look to our spouse to convince us that we are worthwhile and to heal our infirmities.


Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Tags: Leslie S. Parrott

Possibilities for the success of a marriage are endless. But you have to be willing to search for them.


Are You Talking?

Tags: Jason R. Redmond

Those marriages generally abound most with love and constancy that are preceded by a long courtship.


The Spectator, December 29, 1711

Tags: Joseph Addison

Propose not to a woman when she hath gotten a new frock, nor when she is puffed up with victories; when she reigneth and rejoiceth in her hour of triumph, come not nigh unto her; but when she be ill or weary, when she is cast down in spirit and needeth a comforter, then be thou ready, and make thy suit.


The Maxims of Methuselah

Tags: Gelett Burgess

The key to a successful marriage is picking up your husband's socks.


Good Morning Britain, November 29, 2017

The popular notion about marriage and love is that they are synonymous, that they spring from the same motives, and cover the same human needs. Like most popular notions this also rests not on actual facts, but on superstition. Marriage and love have nothing in common; they are as far apart as the poles; are, in fact, antagonistic to each other. No doubt some marriages have been the result of love. Not, however, because love could assert itself only in marriage; much rather is it because few people can completely outgrow a convention. There are today large numbers of men and women to whom marriage is naught but a farce, but who submit to it for the sake of public opinion. At any rate, while it is true that some marriages are based on love, and while it is equally true that in some cases love continues in married life, I maintain that it does so regardless of marriage, and not because of it. On the other hand, it is utterly false that love results from marriage. On rare occasions one does hear of a miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage, but on close examination it will be found that it is a mere adjustment to the inevitable. Certainly the growing-used to each other is far away from the spontaneity, the intensity, and beauty of love, without which the intimacy of marriage must prove degrading to both the woman and the man.


"Marriage and Love", Anarchism and Other Essays

Tags: Emma Goldman

Marriage must be a relation either of sympathy or of conquest.



Tags: George Eliot

Married people, for being so closely united, are but the apter to part; as knots the harder they are pulled, break the sooner.


"Thoughts on Various Subjects"

Tags: Alexander Pope

God has given the human reality of marriage the nature it has because he wills to integrate it into his divine plan and to make it a means of holiness, of sanctification.


Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family Is Built

Tags: William E. May

I'm never going to get married again. Three strikes you're out. I think if I would try to get married again in California I have to go to prison don't I? I think you only get three.


Larry King Live, March 2, 2006

Tags: Roseanne Barr

Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant. Of a teacher and a learner.



Tags: John Updike

The present marriage laws are very propitious towards making Cuckoldom the normal state of men.


Unmoral Maxims

Tags: Abraham Miller

A little weeping, a little wheedling, a little self-degradation, a little careful use of our advantages, and then some man will say--"Come, be my wife!" With good looks and youth marriage is easy to attain. There are men enough; but a woman who has sold herself, even for a ring and a new name, need hold her skirt aside for no creature in the street. They both earn their bread in one way. Marriage for love is the beautifullest external symbol of the union of souls; marriage without it is the uncleanliest traffic that defiles the world.


The Story of an African Farm

Tags: Olive Schreiner

"Happy marriage" is a contradiction in terms.


The Lost Diary of Don Juan

Tags: Douglas Carlton Abrams

Marriage is a serious undertaking. You must submit to family congratulations on certain events, and have a nursery at the top of the house. One doesn't know what a nursery may lead to.


Marriage: A Comedy in Five Acts

Tags: Robert Bell

I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict Scripture.


letter to Chancellor Gregory Brück, January 13, 1524

Tags: Martin Luther