quotations about summer

Summer, summer, summertime
time to sit back and unwind.


"Summertime", Homebase

Summers had a logic all their own and they always brought something out in me. Summer was supposed to be about freedom and youth and no school and possibilities and adventure and exploration. Summer was a book of hope.


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Here is the ghost
Of a summer that lived for us,
Here is a promise
Of summer to be.


Rhymes and Rhythms

How beautiful is summer! Who does not, at this period, admire all nature teeming with life and replete with energy? At this time the richest wealth to earth is given, and the soul, as if in unison with the beneficence of its genial glow, offers up a prayer to the Source of all this beauty and splendor.


attributed, Day's Collacon

In winter I get up at night,
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer quite the other way
I have to go to bed by day.


In Winter I get up at Night

Tags: Robert Louis Stevenson

After mowing the lawn or pulling weeds or putting clothes on the clothesline when it's hot, summer hot, unscrewing the hose from a sprinkler and taking big gulp from that hose? There's nothing like it. You can feel the water go all the way down to your tummy, cooling every inch and if you're really hot you take that same hose and water your face, too. It's a summer event that's not to be missed.


"Is This You? Drinking in Summer", Nevada Appeal, July 7, 2017

From brightening fields of ether fair-disclosed,
Child of the Sun, refulgent Summer comes,
In pride of youth, and felt through Nature's depth;
He comes, attended by the sultry Hours,
And ever-fanning breezes, on his way.


"Summer", The Seasons

Tags: James Thomson

Summer's one redeeming quality is the Fourth of July, which is great only because explosions are awesome. But now that Independence Day has come and gone, there's nothing good left of summer -- just another two months of misery and blech.


"The Unbearable Dreadfulness of Summer", Chicago Tribune, July 5, 2017

O summer day beside the joyous sea!
O summer day so wonderful and white,
So full of gladness and so full of pain!
Forever and forever shalt thou be
To some the gravestone of a dead delight,
To some the landmark of a new domain.


"A Summer Day by the Sea"

Tags: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

We see the clouds of summer go and come,
And thirsty verdure praying them to give:
We cry, "O Nature, tell us why we live!"
She smiles with beauty, but her lips are dumb.


"While the Days Go By"

Tags: Henry Abbey

The summer dawn's reflected hue
To purple changed Loch Katrine blue,
Mildly and soft the western breeze
Just kiss'd the lake, just stirr'd the trees,
And the pleased lake, like maiden coy,
Trembled but dimpled not for joy.


Lady of the Lake

Tags: Walter Scott

Though summer is gone, and hath parted
Enjoyment's gay scene like its beam,
Though memory's left lonely hearted
To hang on its joy shadow'd gleam;
Which though every day passes over,
And dims with the stillness of night,
Yet the soul's watchful gaze can discover
THe trace of its meteor left light.


"Though Summer is Gone and Hath Parted", Cleone, Summer's Sunset Vision, the Confession, with other poems and stanzas

The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Slow comes the death of a dream painted in summer's night.


Summer's Gone: Lyrics and Poems of a Lifetime

Summer afternoon--summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.


attributed, A Backward Glance

Tags: Henry James

I spent my youth dealing with year-round summers, making me something of an expert on the subject. Drawing on that expertise, allow me to explain in vivid and inarguable detail why summer is the fetid meat wedged between the delightful bread of spring and autumn.


"The Unbearable Dreadfulness of Summer", Chicago Tribune, July 5, 2017

For mouldering columns still look gay
When summer sunbeams o'er them shine.


"Hopes and Fears"

Tags: Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

In the summertime when the weather is hot
You can stretch right up and touch the sky
When the weather's fine
You got women, you got women on your mind
Have a drink, have a drive
Go out and see what you can find


"In the Summertime"

School is out and it's a sort of a buzz
A back then I didn't really know what it was
But now I see what have of this
The way that people respond to summer madness
The weather is hot and girls are dressing less
And checking out the fellas to tell 'em who's best
Riding around in your jeep or your benzos
Or in your Nissan stting on lorenzos
Back in Philly we be ou in the park
A place called the plateau is where everybody goes
Guys out hunting and girls doing likewise
Honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes
She turn around to see what you beeping at
It's like the summers a natural afradesiac
And with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme
To hit you and get you equipped for the summer time


"Summertime", Homebase

All along the summer wheat
Swaying, supple-limbed and slender
Ripples trip and breezes greet
Tips of ears with kisses tender.

Sweetest Summer never grew
Wheat as supple as thy body,
Would I were a breeze, and you
Summer wheat, my sinuous Maudie.


"Maudie", Summer Songs and Other Poems