quotations about summer

A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn't mean in winter.


Dragon Blood

Tags: Patricia Briggs

It was summer time,
And summer laid its glory on the sea
And lit the gorgeous shores that hemmed us up
And locked us in enchantment.


"Zilla", Summer Songs and Other Poems

SUMMER, season of beauty and of full-blown rosy warmth, when earth is clad in its grandest and most gorgeous attire; and nature is in all the majesty of adult splendour; at early dawn weeping gladness, at noon cheering alike the sad hearts and the joyous, and at the vesper hour casting a halo of sanctified and happy rest on all God's creatures here below. Who has not felt the first warmth of a summer's sun drive from his heart every desponding fear, and wake to new life and strength the last glimmering rays of his feeble faith. Hear, now the merry song of the haymakers, as with light hearts and lighter steps, intoxicated as it were by the healthful aroma of new-mown hay, each tries to outstrip the other in industry and activity. Here may be seen the horny-handed, sun-burnt son of toil, whom three-score years have left with ardour yet undaunted; there the comely matron, and close by her side blushing sixteen. 'Tis in the summer evening, 'mid the flowery lanes of his native country, that the honest rustic, with the maiden of his choice, plants the first pure and holy kiss on her young, trusting and rosy lips, and there, unseen or unheard by all but high Heaven above, swears to love, honour, and protect her as long as his manly heart beats in his breast, and hers revibrates in her woman's bosom. Summer wakes to new life and birth all earth and its inhabitants; the ice-bound arctic and antarctic circles, the stormy cold regions of the north and south, the mild climes of the temperate zone, and the sunny lands of the tropics. Summer brings joy and gladness to the uttermost parts of earth, and animated nature, the rocks and the hills, the deserts and the table lands, don the bright garb of summer.


"On Summer", Short Essays

Summer is the season in which the Creator pours forth the treasures of His blessing in the greatest abundance.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Research revealed most of us start the summer with good intentions, with three quarters aiming to make the very most of it. But the average person will enjoy just half of the activities they'd hoped to do over the summer months, with work, weather and lack of money among the most common obstacles. And that will mean two thirds look back on the summer with regret -- wishing they'd done lots more.


"Here's to a complete let down of a summer", The London Economic, July 7, 2017

Summer is the noontide of nature.


attributed, Day's Collacon

The Summer-time will come again
To kiss the brow of dying Spring,
And, with the south wind's low refrain,
A choral requiem will she sing.



Tags: Henry Abbey

Surely 't is better, when summer is over
To die when all fair things are fading away.


I'd Be a Butterfly

Tags: Thomas Haynes Bayly

If it could only be like this always -- always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe.


Brideshead Revisited

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces


"School's Out"