quotations about writing

I've been to a lot of places and done a lot of things, but writing was always first. It's a kind of pain I can't do without.


National Observer, March 12, 1977

Tags: Robert Penn Warren

We need the expressive arts, the ancient scribes, the storytellers, the priests. And that's where I put myself: as a storyteller. Not necessarily a high priestess, but certainly the storyteller. And I would love to be the storyteller of the tribe.


"Love & Death & Publishers", Locus Magazine, April 1998

Tags: Tanith Lee

Making a book is a craft, like making a clock; it needs more than native wit to be an author.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

He who will not listen to any advice, nor be corrected in his writings, is a rank pedant.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

It is the glory and the merit of some men to write well, and of others not to write at all.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

Remember that in today's market, distribution and promotion are as important as craft. But don't forget what made you want to write fiction. If it was for the money, you're in the wrong business!


interview, Book Browsing, July 26, 2012

Tags: Elizabeth Zelvin

I'm glad that I didn't have the Internet when I started writing. I started writing when I was 20 and didn't show a word of it to anyone until I was 28. I had the sense to keep it to myself. Now the temptation with blogs and such, they're just getting it out there; maybe it would have been best to keep it to themselves.


interview, Bohemian, June 2009

The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.


attributed, 2012: Waking of the Prophets

Tags: Albert Camus

Perhaps the pleasure one feels in writing is not the infallible test of the literary value of a page; perhaps it is only a secondary state which is often superadded, but the want of which can have no prejudicial effect on it. Perhaps some of the greatest masterpieces were written while yawning.


Within a Budding Grove

Tags: Marcel Proust

Fiction writing is like duck hunting. You go to the right place at the right time with the right dog. You get into the water before dawn, wearing a little protective gear, then you stand behind some reeds and wait for the story to present itself. This is not to say you are passive. You choose the place and the day. You pick the gun and the dog. You have the desire to blow the duck apart for reasons that are entirely your own. But you have to be willing to accept not what you wanted to have happen, but what happens. You have to write the story you find in the circumstances you've created, because more often than not the ducks don't show up. The hunters in the next blind begin to argue, and you realize they're in love. You see a snake swimming in your direction. Your dog begins to shiver and whine, and you start to think about this gun that belonged to your father. By the time you get out of the marsh, you will have written a novel so devoid of ducks it will shock you.


What Now?

Tags: Ann Patchett

Ideas are infinite--writers are hardwired to think that way. We keep it fresh by using new people, mixing character types and putting them in a different setting. It's always the first book all over again, but one idea can be told a thousand different ways. There are 88 keys on the piano, but you can make an infinite amount of music from those keys.


Time Magazine, November 29, 2007

Tags: Nora Roberts

One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other.


The Unemployed Fortune-Teller

Tags: Charles Simic

Every word written is a net to catch the word that has escaped.


The Stone Gods

Tags: Jeanette Winterson

Good fiction creates its own reality.


The Stanislaski Brothers

When you invent something, you're drawing on reservoirs of knowledge that you already have. It's only when you're faithful to the truth that something can come to you from the outside.


interview, The Rumpus, April 25, 2012

Tags: Elif Batuman

I think without writing I would feel completely useless.


The Observer, March 20, 2010

Tags: Sam Shepard

It's not a bad thing for a man to have to live his life--and we nearly all manage to dodge it. Our first round with the Sphinx may strike something out of us--a book or a picture or a symphony; and we're amazed at our feat, and go on letting that first work breed others, as some animal forms reproduce each other without renewed fertilization. So there we are, committed to our first guess at the riddle; and our works look as like as successive impressions of the same plate, each with the lines a little fainter; whereas they ought to be--if we touch earth between times--as different from each other as those other creatures--jellyfish, aren't they, of a kind?--where successive generations produce new forms, and it takes a zoologist to see the hidden likeness.


"The Legend", Tales of Men and Ghosts

Tags: Edith Wharton

The factors controlling a writer's popularity are as mysterious and ultimately as unknowable as the number of stars in the sky.


interview, SF Site, April 2001

Tags: Samuel R. Delany

There are only two kinds of books which you can write and be pretty sure you're going to make a living -- cook books and detective stories.


Royal Decree: Conversations with Rex Stout

Tags: Rex Stout

I hate writing, I love having written.


attributed, Rhymes with Vain