quotations about writing
Sometimes I think that my best writing comes from exposing my fears and vulnerabilities and hoping that nobody notices it's about me.
Twitter post, October 13, 2014
I think I have spoken before about the writer, the artist being a kind of dredging net going down into the rich silt of the mind, of the spirit, to bring up things that are normally out of reach or not accessible to consciousness. It's the duty of the writer -- and indeed of all artists -- to think long and deeply and to be able to drill down into those substrata so that these contents are released. Also, I think that as you drill down there is a release in all of the senses because great pressures build up in people and they don't know why. Quite often something very simple, a way of elucidating it, a way of telling the story, can release that and relieve it and make them feel, Yes, that's what is happening to me, or, This is how I feel. Then immediately one is taken off that horrible little rock of chaos where one is entirely alone and brought back into the community.
The Paris Review, winter 1997
A writer should be able to express himself easily, naturally, copiously in a form that frees his mind, his energies. Why should he hobble himself with formalities?
The Paris Review, winter 1966
I believe so. In its beginning, dialogue's the easiest thing in the world to write when you have a good ear, which I think I have. But as it goes on, it's the most difficult, because it has so many ways to function. Sometimes I needed to make a speech do three or four or five things at once--reveal what the character said but also what he thought he said, what he hid, what others were going to think he meant, and what they misunderstood, and so forth--all in his single speech. And the speech would have to keep the essence of this one character, his whole particular outlook in concentrated form. This isn't to say I succeeded. But I guess it explains why dialogue gives me my greatest pleasure in writing.
The Paris Review, fall 1972
Once somebody's aware of a plot, it's like a bone sticking out. If it breaks through the skin, it's very ugly.
The Paris Review, fall 1994
Everybody writes a book too many.
"Sayings of the Week", The Observor, January 9, 1985
A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment from which to look back or from which to look ahead.
The End of the Affair
I try to write every day. I used to try to write four times a day, minimum of three sentences each time. It doesn't sound like much but it's kinda like the hare and the tortoise. If you try that several times a day you're going to do more than three sentences, one of them is going to catch on. You're going to say "Oh boy!" and then you just write. You fill up the page and the next page. But you have a certain minimum so that at the end of the day, you can say "Hey I wrote four times today, three sentences, a dozen sentences. Each sentence is maybe twenty word long. That's 240 words which is a page of copy, so at least I didn't goof off completely today. I got a page for my efforts and tomorrow it might be easier because I've moved as far as I have."
interview, Phlogiston, 1995
If there is an occupational hazard to writing, it's drinking.
New York Times, April 19, 1992
A major character has to come somehow out of the unconscious.
New York Times, October 9, 1985
In his text, the writer sets up house. Just as he trundles papers, books, pencils, documents untidily from room to room, he creates the same disorder in his thoughts. They become pieces of furniture that he sinks into, content or irritable.
Minima Moralia
Nothing bad can happen to a writer. Everything is material.
attributed, Literary Agents: How to Get & Work With the Right One For You
One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.
Le Figaro
In my view, if you write every day you're a certified graphomaniac, you're OCD, you're addicted to the physical act and not the real, spiritual one.
"Writing is not about youth but about spark", Irish Times, March 27, 2017
There's something paralyzing about being a writer that you have to escape.... The 26 letters distance us from our own hesitations and they make us sound as if we know what we're doing. We know grammar, we know prose, but actually we're all just struggling in the dark, really.
interview, Interview Magazine, September 16, 2013
He that writes to himself, writes to an eternal public.
Diamond Dust
This is our goal as writers, I think; to help others have this sense of--please forgive me--wonder, of seeing things anew, things that can catch us off guard, that break in on our small, bordered worlds.
Bird by Bird
"Writing" is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound.
Wikimania 2006
The writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate man's proven capacity for greatness of heart and spirit -- for gallantry in defeat -- for courage, compassion and love. In the endless war against weakness and despair, these are the bright rally-flags of hope and of emulation.
Nobel Prize acceptance speech, December 10, 1962
Lucky the one who writes in a book of spiral-bound mornings
a future in ink, who writes hand unshaking